Frequently Asked Questions:
For Pet Services
Why hire a professional pet sitter?
A professional pet sitter is experienced solely in the proper care of pet companions and knows what to watch for in case of an emergency. They have had training and education as well as many opportunities to experience different types of scenarios during pet sitting assignments.
What sort of questions should you ask when hiring a professional pet sitter?
You should interview a couple of pet sitters to determine whether they are the right match for your pet companion; ask if they are insured and bonded? Do they have references? How much experience do they have? Have they any certificates of study such as CPR for pets? Pet nutrition?
What is the difference between a hobbyist sitter or a professional pet sitter?
A hobbyist sitter may work around their primary job or have a local listing on a pet care app but not have an actual business, they may or may not have education on proper pet care or proper certifications.
A professional sitter will have insurance, references and certifications in pet care as well as ample experience that would be handy in any given situation.